HOT NEWS! ICareer to be Renamed Indonesia Karir Akademi Starting June 2024

Starting in June 2024, ICareer Hospitality will officially change its name to Indonesia Karir Akademi. This name change follows the signing of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 63 of 2019 on the Use of the Indonesian Language by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The new regulation mandates the use of the Indonesian language in naming various educational […]
Want to Work Abroad or on a Cruise Ship? Join ICareer Hospitality!

Deciding what to do after high school can be challenging. If you’re considering a career that allows you to travel the world and meet diverse people, a future in the hospitality industry might be perfect for you. ICareer Hospitality Institute is here to guide you on this exciting path. Whether you dream of working abroad […]
ICareer Alumni Spotlight: Dino Amsal Marbun’s Journey from Batch 3 to a Luxury Resort Waiter in the Maldives

At ICareer Hospitality, we are proud to celebrate the successes of our alumni, who go on to achieve remarkable milestones in their careers. Today, we are excited to share the inspiring story of Dino Amsal Marbun, an alumnus from Batch 3, who is now thriving as a waiter at a luxury resort in the Maldives. […]
Open Student Registration for Batch 10 at ICareer Hospitality

ICareer Hospitality is excited to announce the opening of student registration for Batch 10! We invite aspiring hospitality professionals to join our esteemed programs and embark on a transformative educational journey. With a strong focus on practical skills and industry readiness, our courses are designed to equip you with the expertise needed to thrive in […]